Some agencies are nice,
some agencies are talented,


some are both.

Talented and nice.

When we started our agency, we had in mind precisely the kind of people we wanted with us. There were two requirements: You had to be talented and you had to be nice. If you were nice but without talent, we were very sorry, but you just wouldn’t do. We had to ‘make it.’ And only great talent would help us do that. If you were a great talent, but not a nice person, we had no hesitation in saying ‘No.’ Life is too short to sacrifice so much of it, to living with a bastard.


Creativity is the most powerful force in business.

Conseil stratégique | Conception | Branding | Création de contenu


Imagine, inspire, influence.

DDB° Health Group


+33 1 49 09 60 90

52 avenue Émile Zola
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

+33 1 49 09 60 90

DDB° Health Paris

Société par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 93 000 euros
404 752 297 RCS Nanterre
Siret  404 752 297 00055
TVA FR 39 404 752 297
Tel : 01 49 09 25 25

Directeur de la publication : Alain Sivan, Président
Site hébergé par : DDB, 73-75 rue la Condamine, 75 017 PARIS

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